Rules and Regulation
A candidate is required to attend at least 75% of the classes actually held, to be eligible to fill up the form for the examination in each Semester including practical papers. Students selected for admission have to furnish affidavit at the time of admission, in this regard.
College / Teaching Hours
The College hour is from 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. The classes are generally held in the morning from 9:00 A. M. However, the teaching hours are modified from time to time as and when required and will be notified on the Notice Board of the College.
Office Hours
The College Office generally functions in the morning from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 PM. suspension of lectures on any day does not mean the suspension of office work on that day.
At present there is no hostel accommodation for the students. There is a College Library for the use of students. Books can be taken by the students on production of identity card, which also contains the Library Cards. Rules regarding use of books from the Library are mentioned therein. The college Library remains open from 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. during all working days.
Identity-cum-Library Card
The College Provides Identity-cum Library Card to students in each part for which an annual fee is charged for which students are required to submit two passport size recent and identical photographs at the time of admission. Loss of Identity Card is deprecated but the student can obtain duplicate Identity Card on payment of Rs. 150/- or fee as may be prescribed. Identity Card is not issued after the close of session.
Free Legal Aid Cell & Placement Cell
The Free Legal Aid Cell and Placement Cell is working under the chairmanship of the Principal. The Free Legal Aid Cell provides legal aid to poor persons of the locality. The Placement Cell arranges from time-to-time, interviews in the college campus for employment of its own students only.
Scheme of Examination
The examination of Ist, IIIrd and Vth semesters shall commence in the first week of December each year and the examination of IInd, IVth & VIth Semesters shall commence in the Ist week of May every year. Internal assessment shall be based on mid-term internal examination/internal assessment/attendance and home work assigned from time to time, by the subject teachers, etc.
Results of Examination
Results of each Semester Examination are usually announced within six weeks of conclusion of the respective Semester Examination. The students waiting for their results are allowed to attend classes on provisional basis in the next Semesters.
Minimum Passing Marks
No candidate shall be declared to have passed the LL.B. Examination, unless he/she obtains minimum 33% marks in each theory paper separately and in practical papers. Only those students shall be declared to have passed who obtain 33% marks in written portion and in field work taking together. Student has also to secure 40% marks in Viva-Voce including Field Work. The candidate shall be required to obtain at least 45% marks in aggregate taking theory and practical papers together in each Semester for being declared to have passed the examination. A candidate securing 5 marks less than pass marks either in theory paper or practical paper or aggregate shall be declared to have passed the examinations under regulation. This regulation may be availed by a candidate only once in all six Semester.
No Candidate shall be admitted to examination of IIIrd Semester (LL.B. IInd year) unless he/she has completed the course of IInd Semester and passed in at least 50% of the subjects of Ist & IInd Semester Examination. Similarly, unless he/she has completed the course of Vth Semester and Passed in 50% of the subjects of IIIrd & IV Semester Examination put together.
Classification of Candidates
- First Class: The candidate who has passed the whole examination obtaining 60% marks in aggregate but less than 75% marks.
- Second Class: The candidate who has obtained at least 45% marks and less than 60% marks in aggregate.
First Class with Distinction :The candidate who has passed the whole examination at a single sitting and obtained 75% marks in aggregate or above. - Rank: Rank shall be declared only after passing Vlth Semester taking together the marks of all the
six Semesters.
Achievements of Our College
- Our students qualified judiciary examinations as well as represented the College and State in Moot Court Competition in all over India.
Future Plans
The College is going to start the following courses very soon.
- Five years integrated B.A., LL. B. course.
- LL. M. Two years course.